16 Sustainable House Design Tips and Ideas

You should also make sure that the materials you choose are durable! They need to have proper weather stripping to keep out the elements. The type of glass and material insulation value is also essential. Windows and doors are expensive, but you want to make sure they will not cost you more in the long run through inefficiency. You don’t want to buy good windows and install them with poor quality. There are many ways you can make your home more eco-friendly, ranging from smaller actions such as switching out the traditional grass lawn to the kind of house you choose to build. Shop zero-waste toiletries Living off the grid may be a good option for those looking to embrace sustainable lifestyles. Avoid the attractiveness of fast fashion, which is known for its environmental impact and irresponsible practices. If you don’t have access to these types of transportation, consider carpooling with friends or family members when possible. “We discuss with clients the pros and cons for their lot, needs, and budget. Geothermal may be the best option, or another heating/cooling system.” Similarly, green building isn’t all-or-nothing. Eschew unsustainable sheep’s wool and harmful fiberglass for cotton, which can be made into thick batts for your walls. Many of today’s appliances and electronics aren’t really off when we turn them off. Smart TVs, coffeemakers, toaster ovens and other household appliances draw small amounts of energy just waiting for the signal to come alive when we need them. These “vampire loads” account for 5% to 10% of your home’s energy use, costing you about $100 a year. Luckily, 30% of the cost of new insulation can be claimed as a home energy efficiency tax credit. Use smart and efficient appliances You don’t have to give up paper towels completely, but it’s best to use them sparingly. Of course, you probably don’t have a hand dryer at home, but even using a cotton towel is 48 percent more eco-friendly than drying off with a paper towel. “The simplest and most obvious way to eliminate power losses is to unplug products when not in use,” write the authors of Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings – 9th Edition. Conserve Water Adding a composting system speeds up the breakdown of organic waste and creates nutritive compost for gardening. Consider cooperating with neighbors or researching community-based https://ecosoberhouse.com/ composting alternatives if you have limited space. Traditional gas-powered lawnmowers can have significant environmental implications, often surpassing automobile emissions. Before HVAC systems or even glass windows, living areas were built to produce natural airflow, maximize daylight, and rely on natural ways of heating and cooling. Building materials can be harmful to the environment in a variety of ways, from the air, water, and land pollution they generate in production to the energy required to create them. How to make your home more environmentally friendly When it comes to renewable energy sources, many different technologies and systems can be implemented. For example, solar power involves installing photovoltaic cells on rooftops or other suitable locations to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. Wind turbines also allow homeowners to generate their electricity from the wind. Check out The Homeowner’s Handbook of Green Building & Remodeling, a free downloadable book from Green Builder. With a bidet, your hands don’t have to get involved, reducing the spread of germs. Another way to make your home more sustainable is by incorporating water-saving fixtures and technologies that can significantly reduce water consumption. They make dual flush toilets where you can choose a lower or higher flush rate. Green rooves are a growing trend for commercial buildings, and one that’s increasing in popularity for homes as well. Old windows can be a significant source of heat loss in your home. Gardening and Landscaping (Triple-glazed windows can cost anywhere from $400 to $3,540.) The lower the U-value—or the rate at which the window loses non-solar heat—the better the windows will keep heat in your home, she explains. The shape and size of your roof can also constitute effective passive design. Adding a large overhang allows light into your home during wintertime because the sun is at a higher angle, says Rodriguez. In the summertime, the same overhang will block sunlight in the summer, keeping your home cooler. Another way to make your home more sustainable is by incorporating water-saving fixtures and technologies that can significantly reduce water consumption. Orientation of Your House for Natural Light and Heat Take care of your home when you are living in it and build your house so it takes care of you. A sustainable house design cannot be achieved without thinking of construction quality and techniques for a long-lasting home. Using durable materials and construction techniques is essential. If you live in a cold climate in the Northern Hemisphere, you can take advantage of the sun by having more windows facing south. If you build a long wall with windows facing south, you maximize direct sunlight in the winter. Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. A delicious eggplant, walnut and pomegranate stew that will warm and delight you. America’s second-favorite household pet holds the fate of the environment in its claws. The craftsmanship should be such that it will survive time and hardship. If you are in an area prone to hurricanes and you build a deck with recycled wood, it is not sustainable if the deck gets torn down in a hurricane. I am not saying not to build the deck, but build it with proper hurricane ties and strapping and use wood that can handle the elements. We rebuilt several houses in NY after Sandy, but we built concrete houses so that they could withstand the next one.

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